Energy usage
Consumption summary
Consumption comparison
Cost summary
Cost comparison
Energy usage by location
Cost generated by location
Determine when there is unnecessary consumption (eg evening, w-e)
Determine whether some equipment consumes when not in use, for example, when everything is turned off but there is still a basic consumption due to some equipment.
We can detect sudden consumption peaks that may result in penalties, and you can intervene to spread them out over time.
Prove energy program efficiency
Communicate energy success to stakeholders and your community
Make better, data-driven decisions on your energy usage
Reconstruct monthly costs and consumption for each site, check if the consumption values are in line with the monitoring results, generate alerts in case of over consumption, use the data in order to forecast and budget energy consumption and optimize energy supply contracts.
Automatically prepare bills based on “No of meters”, integrate online payment gateway, send payment reminders, and recharge prepaid and postpaid meters.
Recommended structure makes“heavy”, accounts faster.
You can specify different data storage periods only for separate accounts.
Proper hierarchy means adequate billing in third-party API.
Turn complex structure and futuristics vision into scalable and intuitive solutions.
Easy integration process
User interface for add multiple meters
Option for add meter memory map
Live Meter Status (Active or Inactive)
Track and monitor multiple meters
View all electo parameter in real time
History chart for selected parameter
Break down carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by fuel source to identify areas of improvement
Rank facilities by emission levels and focus efforts where they’re needed most
Track historical emissions by facility to drive conservation efforts